Embark on a captivating exploration of Stellar Evolution in this comprehensive class. We'll journey through the vast cosmos, beginning with a scale model of the solar system and our nearest star. Witness the awe-inspiring process of star birth, understanding the intricacies of celestial creation. Explore the life cycle of our sun, from its spectrum and fusion to its stages of youth, maturity, and ultimate transformation into a red giant, followed by its final phases as a planetary nebula and white dwarf. Delve into the dynamics of more massive stars, discovering their shorter lifespan and dramatic ends as supernovae. Uncover the cosmic aftermath, where remnants evolve into neutron stars or black holes. Illuminate your understanding with a closer look at Type I supernovae, unraveling the intriguing phenomena that shape the cosmic landscape. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of stellar evolution, from the birth of stars to their spectacular endings.